Abbate, E., Albianelli, A., Azzaroli, A., Benvenuti, M., Tesfamariam, B., Bruni, P., Cipriani, N., Clarke, R. J., Ficcarelli, R., Macchiarelli, R., Napoleone, G., Papini, M., Rook, L., Sagri, M., Tecle, T. M., Torre, D., & Villa, I. (1998). A one-million-year-old Homo cranium from the Danakil (Afar) Depression of Eritrea. Nature, 393, 458-460.
Adefris, T. (1992). A description of the Bodo cranium: an archaic Homo sapiens cranium from Ethiopia. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. New York University.
An, Z. S., & Ho, C. K. (1989). New magnetostratigraphic dates of Lantian Homo erectus. Quaternary Research, 32, 213-221.
Antón, S. C., Spoor, F., Fellmann, C. D., & Swisher III, C. C. (2007). Defining Homo erectus: size considered. In W. Henke, & I. Tattersall (Eds.), Handbook of Paleoanthropology, Volume 3 (pp. 1655-1693). Springer.
Arsuaga, J.-L., Martinez, I., Lorenzo, C., & Gracia, A. (1999). The human cranial remains from Gran Dolina Lower Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Journal of Human Evolution, 37, 431-457.
Asfaw, B., Gilbert, W. H., Beyene, Y., Hart, W. K., Renne, P. R., WoldeGabriel, G., Vrba, E. S., & White, T. D. (2002). Remains of Homo erectus from Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature, 416, 317-320.
Berna, F., Goldberg, P., Horowitz, L. K., Brink, J., Holt, S., Bamford, M., & Chazan, M. (2012). Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the Acheulean strata of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape province, South Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109, e1215-e1220.
Braun, D. R., Aldeias, V., Archer, W., Arrowsmith, J. R., Baraki, N., Campisano, C. J., Deino, A. L., DiMaggio, E. N., Dupont-Nivet, G., Engda, B., Feary, D. A., Garello, D. I., Kerfelew, Z., McPherron, S. P., Patterson, D., Reeves, J. S., Thompson, J. C., & Reed, K. E. (2019). Earliest known Oldowan artifacts at >2.58 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia, highlight early technological diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 116, 11712-11717.
Bromage, T. G., Schrenk, F., & Zonnevel, F.W. (1995). Paleoanthropology of the Malawi Rift: an early hominid mandible from the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. Journal of Human Evolution, 28, 71–108
Carbonell, E., Bermúdez de Castro, J., Parés, J., Pérez-González, A., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Ollé, A., Mosquera. M., Huguet, R., van der Made, J., Rosas, A., Sala, R., Vallverdú, J., García, N., Granger, D. E., Martinón-Torres, M., Rodríguez, X. P., Stock, G. M., Vergès, J. M., Allué, E., Burjachs, F., Cáceres, I., Canals, A., Benito, A., Díez, C., Lozano, M., Mateos, A., Navazo, M., Rodríguez, J., Rosell, J., & Arsuaga, J. L. (2008). The first hominin of Europe. Nature, 452, 465-469.
Day, M. H., Leakey, R. E., Walker, A. C., & Wood, B. A. (1975). New hominids from East Rudolf, Kenya, I. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 42, 461-475.
Day, M.H., Leakey, R.E.F., Walker, A.C., & Wood, B.A. (1976). New hominids from East Turkana, Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 45, 369-435.
Dubois, E. (1894). Pithecanthropus erectus: eine menschenähnliche Übergangsform von Java. Landes Druckerei.
Gabunia, L., & Vekua, A. (1995). A Plio-Plieistocene hominid from Dmanisi, East Georgia, Caucasus. Nature, 373, 509–512.
Gabunia, L., Vekua, A., Lordkipanidze, D., Swisher, C. C., Ferring, R., Justus, A., Nioradze, M., Tvalchrelidze, M., Antón, S. C., Bosinski, G., Joris, O., de Lumley, M.-A., Majsuradze, G., & Mouskhelishvili, A. (2000). Earliest Pleistocene cranial remains from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia: taxonomy, geological setting, and age. Science, 288, 1019–1025
Hawks, J. (2024, July 29). What do we know about the ancestry of Homo erectus?
Hawks, J. (2023, October 13). Homo erectus keeps getting older.
Herries, A. I. R., Martin, J. M., Leece, A. B., Adams, J. W., Boschian, G., Joannes-Boyau, R., Edwards, T. R., Mallett, T., Massey, J., Murszewski, A., Neubauer, S., Pickering, R., Strait, D. S., Armstrong, B. J., Baker, S., Caruana, M. V., Denham, T., Hellstrom, J., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Mokobane, S., Penzo-Kajewski, P., Rovinsky, D. S., Schwartz, G. T., Stammers, R. C., Wilson, C., Woodhead, J., & Menter, C. (2020). Contemporaneity of Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo erectus in South Africa. Science, 368, eaaw7293.
Jia, L. P. (1965). The discovery and stratigraphical context of Lantian Homo erectus skull. Chinese Science Bulletin, 6, 477-481.
Kalb, J. E., Wood, C. B., Smart, C., Oswald, E. B., Mabrete, A., Tebedge, S., & Whitehead, P. (1980). Preliminary geology and palaeontology of the Bodo D'ar hominid site, Afar, Ehtiopia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 30, 107-120.
Karavanić, I., & Janković, I. (2007). Srednji i rani gornji paleolitik u Hrvatskoj. Opuscula archaeologica, 30, 21-54.
Larsen, C. S. (2020). Our origins: Discovering biological anthropology (5th ed.). W. W. Norton & Company.
Leakey, R. E. F. (1973). Evidence for an advanced Plio-Pleistocene hominid from East Rudolf, Kenya. Nature, 242, 447–450.
Leakey, R. E. F. (1974). Further evidence of Lower Pleistocene hominids from East Rudolf, North Kenya, 1973. Nature, 248, 653–656.
Leakey, L. S. B., Tobias, P. V., & Napier, J. R. (1964). A new species of the genus Homo from Olduvai Gorge. Nature, 202, 7–9.
Lordkipanidze, D., Jashashvili, T., Vekua, A., Ponce de León, M.S., Zollikofer, C.P.E., Rightmire, G.P., Pontzer, H., Ferring, R., Oms, O., Tappen, M., Bukhsianidze, M., Agusti, J., Kahlke, R., Kiladze, G., Martinez-Navarro, B. Mouskhelishvili, A., Nioradze, M., & Rook., L. (2007). Postcranial evidence from early Homo from Dmanisi, Georgia. Nature, 449, 305–310.
Macchiarelli, R., Bondioli, L., Chech, M., Coppa, A., Fiore, I., Russom, R., Vecchi, F., Libsekal, Y., & Rook, L. (2004). The late Early Pleistocene human remains from Buia, Danakil Depression, Eritrea. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 110, 133-144.
Malez, M. (1974). Über die bedeutung der entdeckung von geröllgeräten in den villafranchiumschichten der Šandalja I in Istrien (Kroatien, Jugoslawien). Bulletin scientifique Yougoslavie, 19, 79–80.
Malez, M. (1975). O značenju otkrića ostataka roda Homo u naslagama vilafranka Šandalje I kod Pule. Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 371, 181–201.
Mussi, M., Skinner, M. M., Melis, R. T., Panera, J., Jara, S. R., Davies, T. W., Geraads, D., Bocherens, H., Briatico, G., Le Cabec, A., Hublin, J.-J., Gidna, A., Bonnefille,
R., Di Bianco, L., & Mendez-Quintas, E. (2023). Early Homo erectus lived at high altitudes and produced both Oldowan and Acheulean tools. Science, 382, 713-718.
Schoetensack, O. (1908). Der Unterkiefer des Homo heidelbergensis aus den Sanden von Mauer bei Heidelberg. Englemann.
Simpson, S. W., Quade, J., Levin, N. E., Butler, R., Dupont-Nivet, G., Everett, M., & Semaw, S. (2008). A female Homo erectus pelvis from Gona, Ethiopia. Science, 322, 1089-1092.
Titton, S., Oms, O., Barsky, D., Bargalló, A., Serrano-Ramos, A., García-Solano, J., Sánchez-Bandera, C., Yravedra, J., Blain, H.-A., Toro-Moyano, I., Jiménez Arenas, M., & Sala-Ramos, R. (2021). Oldowan stone knapping and percussive activities on a raw material reservoir deposit 1.4 million years ago at Barranco León (Orce, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13, 108.
Toro-Moyano, I., Martínez-Navarro, B., Agustí, J., Souday, C., Bermúdez de Castro, J. M., Martinón-Torres, M., Fajardo, B., Duval, M., Falguères, C., Oms, O., Parés, J. M., Anadón, P., Ramón, J., Manuel García-Aguilar, J., Moigne, A.-M., Espigares, M.-P-, Ros-Montoya, S., & Palmqvist, P. (2013). The oldest human fossil in Europe
from Orce (Spain). Journal of Human Evolution, 65, 1-9.
Villmoare, B., Kimbel, W. H., Seyoum, C., Campisano, C. J., DiMaggio, E. N., Rowan, J., Braun, D. R., Arrowsmith, J. R., Reed, K. E. (2015). Early Homo at 2.8 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia. Science, 347, 1352-1355.
Vuković, S. (1963). Paleolitska kamena industrija nalazišta Punikve kod Ivanca. Godišnjak Gradskog muzeja Varaždin, 2–3, 23–30.
Walker, A., & Leakey, R. (Eds.). (1993). The Nariokotome Homo erectus skeleton. Harvard University Press.
White, T. D. (1986). Cut marks on the Bodo cranium: a case of prehistoric defleshing. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69, 503-509.
Wilkins, J., & Chazan, M. (2012). Blade production ~500 thousand years ago at Kathu Pan 1, South Africa: support for a multiple origins hypothesis for early Middle Pleistocene blade technologies. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39, 1883-1900.
Zhu, R. X., Potts, R., Xie, F., Hoffman, K. A., Deng, C. L., Shi, C. D., Pan, Y. X., Wang, H. Q., Shi, R. P., Wang, Y. C., Shi, G. H., & Wu, N. Q. (2004). New evidence on the earliest human presence at high northern latitudes in northeast Asia. Nature, 431, 559-562.
Zhu, Z.-Y., Dennell, R., Huang, W.-W., Wu, Y., Rao, Z.-G., Qiu, S.-F., Xie, J.-B., Liu, W., Fu, S.-Q., Han, J.-W., Zhou, H.-Y., Ou Yang, T.-P., & Li, H.-M. (2015). New dating of the Homo erectus cranium from Lantian (Gongwangling), China. Journal of Human Evolution, 78, 144-157.
Abbate, E., Albianelli, A., Azzaroli, A., Benvenuti, M., Tesfamariam, B., Bruni, P., Cipriani, N., Clarke, R. J., Ficcarelli, R., Macchiarelli, R., Napoleone, G., Papini, M., Rook, L., Sagri, M., Tecle, T. M., Torre, D., & Villa, I. (1998). A one-million-year-old Homo cranium from the Danakil (Afar) Depression of Eritrea. Nature, 393, 458-460.
Adefris, T. (1992). A description of the Bodo cranium: an archaic Homo sapiens cranium from Ethiopia. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. New York University.
An, Z. S., & Ho, C. K. (1989). New magnetostratigraphic dates of Lantian Homo erectus. Quaternary Research, 32, 213-221.
Antón, S. C., Spoor, F., Fellmann, C. D., & Swisher III, C. C. (2007). Defining Homo erectus: size considered. In W. Henke, & I. Tattersall (Eds.), Handbook of Paleoanthropology, Volume 3 (pp. 1655-1693). Springer.
Arsuaga, J.-L., Martinez, I., Lorenzo, C., & Gracia, A. (1999). The human cranial remains from Gran Dolina Lower Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Journal of Human Evolution, 37, 431-457.
Asfaw, B., Gilbert, W. H., Beyene, Y., Hart, W. K., Renne, P. R., WoldeGabriel, G., Vrba, E. S., & White, T. D. (2002). Remains of Homo erectus from Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature, 416, 317-320.
Berna, F., Goldberg, P., Horowitz, L. K., Brink, J., Holt, S., Bamford, M., & Chazan, M. (2012). Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the Acheulean strata of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape province, South Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109, e1215-e1220.
Braun, D. R., Aldeias, V., Archer, W., Arrowsmith, J. R., Baraki, N., Campisano, C. J., Deino, A. L., DiMaggio, E. N., Dupont-Nivet, G., Engda, B., Feary, D. A., Garello, D. I., Kerfelew, Z., McPherron, S. P., Patterson, D., Reeves, J. S., Thompson, J. C., & Reed, K. E. (2019). Earliest known Oldowan artifacts at >2.58 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia, highlight early technological diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 116, 11712-11717.
Bromage, T. G., Schrenk, F., & Zonnevel, F.W. (1995). Paleoanthropology of the Malawi Rift: an early hominid mandible from the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. Journal of Human Evolution, 28, 71–108
Carbonell, E., Bermúdez de Castro, J., Parés, J., Pérez-González, A., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Ollé, A., Mosquera. M., Huguet, R., van der Made, J., Rosas, A., Sala, R., Vallverdú, J., García, N., Granger, D. E., Martinón-Torres, M., Rodríguez, X. P., Stock, G. M., Vergès, J. M., Allué, E., Burjachs, F., Cáceres, I., Canals, A., Benito, A., Díez, C., Lozano, M., Mateos, A., Navazo, M., Rodríguez, J., Rosell, J., & Arsuaga, J. L. (2008). The first hominin of Europe. Nature, 452, 465-469.
Day, M. H., Leakey, R. E., Walker, A. C., & Wood, B. A. (1975). New hominids from East Rudolf, Kenya, I. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 42, 461-475.
Day, M.H., Leakey, R.E.F., Walker, A.C., & Wood, B.A. (1976). New hominids from East Turkana, Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 45, 369-435.
Dubois, E. (1894). Pithecanthropus erectus: eine menschenähnliche Übergangsform von Java. Landes Druckerei.
Gabunia, L., & Vekua, A. (1995). A Plio-Plieistocene hominid from Dmanisi, East Georgia, Caucasus. Nature, 373, 509–512.
Gabunia, L., Vekua, A., Lordkipanidze, D., Swisher, C. C., Ferring, R., Justus, A., Nioradze, M., Tvalchrelidze, M., Antón, S. C., Bosinski, G., Joris, O., de Lumley, M.-A., Majsuradze, G., & Mouskhelishvili, A. (2000). Earliest Pleistocene cranial remains from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia: taxonomy, geological setting, and age. Science, 288, 1019–1025
Hawks, J. (2024, July 29). What do we know about the ancestry of Homo erectus?
Hawks, J. (2023, October 13). Homo erectus keeps getting older.
Herries, A. I. R., Martin, J. M., Leece, A. B., Adams, J. W., Boschian, G., Joannes-Boyau, R., Edwards, T. R., Mallett, T., Massey, J., Murszewski, A., Neubauer, S., Pickering, R., Strait, D. S., Armstrong, B. J., Baker, S., Caruana, M. V., Denham, T., Hellstrom, J., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Mokobane, S., Penzo-Kajewski, P., Rovinsky, D. S., Schwartz, G. T., Stammers, R. C., Wilson, C., Woodhead, J., & Menter, C. (2020). Contemporaneity of Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo erectus in South Africa. Science, 368, eaaw7293.
Jia, L. P. (1965). The discovery and stratigraphical context of Lantian Homo erectus skull. Chinese Science Bulletin, 6, 477-481.
Kalb, J. E., Wood, C. B., Smart, C., Oswald, E. B., Mabrete, A., Tebedge, S., & Whitehead, P. (1980). Preliminary geology and palaeontology of the Bodo D'ar hominid site, Afar, Ehtiopia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 30, 107-120.
Karavanić, I., & Janković, I. (2007). Srednji i rani gornji paleolitik u Hrvatskoj. Opuscula archaeologica, 30, 21-54.
Larsen, C. S. (2020). Our origins: Discovering biological anthropology (5th ed.). W. W. Norton & Company.
Leakey, R. E. F. (1973). Evidence for an advanced Plio-Pleistocene hominid from East Rudolf, Kenya. Nature, 242, 447–450.
Leakey, R. E. F. (1974). Further evidence of Lower Pleistocene hominids from East Rudolf, North Kenya, 1973. Nature, 248, 653–656.
Leakey, L. S. B., Tobias, P. V., & Napier, J. R. (1964). A new species of the genus Homo from Olduvai Gorge. Nature, 202, 7–9.
Lordkipanidze, D., Jashashvili, T., Vekua, A., Ponce de León, M.S., Zollikofer, C.P.E., Rightmire, G.P., Pontzer, H., Ferring, R., Oms, O., Tappen, M., Bukhsianidze, M., Agusti, J., Kahlke, R., Kiladze, G., Martinez-Navarro, B. Mouskhelishvili, A., Nioradze, M., & Rook., L. (2007). Postcranial evidence from early Homo from Dmanisi, Georgia. Nature, 449, 305–310.
Macchiarelli, R., Bondioli, L., Chech, M., Coppa, A., Fiore, I., Russom, R., Vecchi, F., Libsekal, Y., & Rook, L. (2004). The late Early Pleistocene human remains from Buia, Danakil Depression, Eritrea. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 110, 133-144.
Malez, M. (1974). Über die bedeutung der entdeckung von geröllgeräten in den villafranchiumschichten der Šandalja I in Istrien (Kroatien, Jugoslawien). Bulletin scientifique Yougoslavie, 19, 79–80.
Malez, M. (1975). O značenju otkrića ostataka roda Homo u naslagama vilafranka Šandalje I kod Pule. Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 371, 181–201.
Mussi, M., Skinner, M. M., Melis, R. T., Panera, J., Jara, S. R., Davies, T. W., Geraads, D., Bocherens, H., Briatico, G., Le Cabec, A., Hublin, J.-J., Gidna, A., Bonnefille,
R., Di Bianco, L., & Mendez-Quintas, E. (2023). Early Homo erectus lived at high altitudes and produced both Oldowan and Acheulean tools. Science, 382, 713-718.
Schoetensack, O. (1908). Der Unterkiefer des Homo heidelbergensis aus den Sanden von Mauer bei Heidelberg. Englemann.
Simpson, S. W., Quade, J., Levin, N. E., Butler, R., Dupont-Nivet, G., Everett, M., & Semaw, S. (2008). A female Homo erectus pelvis from Gona, Ethiopia. Science, 322, 1089-1092.
Titton, S., Oms, O., Barsky, D., Bargalló, A., Serrano-Ramos, A., García-Solano, J., Sánchez-Bandera, C., Yravedra, J., Blain, H.-A., Toro-Moyano, I., Jiménez Arenas, M., & Sala-Ramos, R. (2021). Oldowan stone knapping and percussive activities on a raw material reservoir deposit 1.4 million years ago at Barranco León (Orce, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13, 108.
Toro-Moyano, I., Martínez-Navarro, B., Agustí, J., Souday, C., Bermúdez de Castro, J. M., Martinón-Torres, M., Fajardo, B., Duval, M., Falguères, C., Oms, O., Parés, J. M., Anadón, P., Ramón, J., Manuel García-Aguilar, J., Moigne, A.-M., Espigares, M.-P-, Ros-Montoya, S., & Palmqvist, P. (2013). The oldest human fossil in Europe
from Orce (Spain). Journal of Human Evolution, 65, 1-9.
Villmoare, B., Kimbel, W. H., Seyoum, C., Campisano, C. J., DiMaggio, E. N., Rowan, J., Braun, D. R., Arrowsmith, J. R., Reed, K. E. (2015). Early Homo at 2.8 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia. Science, 347, 1352-1355.
Vuković, S. (1963). Paleolitska kamena industrija nalazišta Punikve kod Ivanca. Godišnjak Gradskog muzeja Varaždin, 2–3, 23–30.
Walker, A., & Leakey, R. (Eds.). (1993). The Nariokotome Homo erectus skeleton. Harvard University Press.
White, T. D. (1986). Cut marks on the Bodo cranium: a case of prehistoric defleshing. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69, 503-509.
Wilkins, J., & Chazan, M. (2012). Blade production ~500 thousand years ago at Kathu Pan 1, South Africa: support for a multiple origins hypothesis for early Middle Pleistocene blade technologies. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39, 1883-1900.
Zhu, R. X., Potts, R., Xie, F., Hoffman, K. A., Deng, C. L., Shi, C. D., Pan, Y. X., Wang, H. Q., Shi, R. P., Wang, Y. C., Shi, G. H., & Wu, N. Q. (2004). New evidence on the earliest human presence at high northern latitudes in northeast Asia. Nature, 431, 559-562.
Zhu, Z.-Y., Dennell, R., Huang, W.-W., Wu, Y., Rao, Z.-G., Qiu, S.-F., Xie, J.-B., Liu, W., Fu, S.-Q., Han, J.-W., Zhou, H.-Y., Ou Yang, T.-P., & Li, H.-M. (2015). New dating of the Homo erectus cranium from Lantian (Gongwangling), China. Journal of Human Evolution, 78, 144-157.
Abbate, E., Albianelli, A., Azzaroli, A., Benvenuti, M., Tesfamariam, B., Bruni, P., Cipriani, N., Clarke, R. J., Ficcarelli, R., Macchiarelli, R., Napoleone, G., Papini, M., Rook, L., Sagri, M., Tecle, T. M., Torre, D., & Villa, I. (1998). A one-million-year-old Homo cranium from the Danakil (Afar) Depression of Eritrea. Nature, 393, 458-460.
Adefris, T. (1992). A description of the Bodo cranium: an archaic Homo sapiens cranium from Ethiopia. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. New York University.
An, Z. S., & Ho, C. K. (1989). New magnetostratigraphic dates of Lantian Homo erectus. Quaternary Research, 32, 213-221.
Antón, S. C., Spoor, F., Fellmann, C. D., & Swisher III, C. C. (2007). Defining Homo erectus: size considered. In W. Henke, & I. Tattersall (Eds.), Handbook of Paleoanthropology, Volume 3 (pp. 1655-1693). Springer.
Arsuaga, J.-L., Martinez, I., Lorenzo, C., & Gracia, A. (1999). The human cranial remains from Gran Dolina Lower Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Journal of Human Evolution, 37, 431-457.
Asfaw, B., Gilbert, W. H., Beyene, Y., Hart, W. K., Renne, P. R., WoldeGabriel, G., Vrba, E. S., & White, T. D. (2002). Remains of Homo erectus from Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature, 416, 317-320.
Berna, F., Goldberg, P., Horowitz, L. K., Brink, J., Holt, S., Bamford, M., & Chazan, M. (2012). Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the Acheulean strata of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape province, South Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109, e1215-e1220.
Braun, D. R., Aldeias, V., Archer, W., Arrowsmith, J. R., Baraki, N., Campisano, C. J., Deino, A. L., DiMaggio, E. N., Dupont-Nivet, G., Engda, B., Feary, D. A., Garello, D. I., Kerfelew, Z., McPherron, S. P., Patterson, D., Reeves, J. S., Thompson, J. C., & Reed, K. E. (2019). Earliest known Oldowan artifacts at >2.58 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia, highlight early technological diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 116, 11712-11717.
Bromage, T. G., Schrenk, F., & Zonnevel, F.W. (1995). Paleoanthropology of the Malawi Rift: an early hominid mandible from the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. Journal of Human Evolution, 28, 71–108
Carbonell, E., Bermúdez de Castro, J., Parés, J., Pérez-González, A., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Ollé, A., Mosquera. M., Huguet, R., van der Made, J., Rosas, A., Sala, R., Vallverdú, J., García, N., Granger, D. E., Martinón-Torres, M., Rodríguez, X. P., Stock, G. M., Vergès, J. M., Allué, E., Burjachs, F., Cáceres, I., Canals, A., Benito, A., Díez, C., Lozano, M., Mateos, A., Navazo, M., Rodríguez, J., Rosell, J., & Arsuaga, J. L. (2008). The first hominin of Europe. Nature, 452, 465-469.
Day, M. H., Leakey, R. E., Walker, A. C., & Wood, B. A. (1975). New hominids from East Rudolf, Kenya, I. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 42, 461-475.
Day, M.H., Leakey, R.E.F., Walker, A.C., & Wood, B.A. (1976). New hominids from East Turkana, Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 45, 369-435.
Dubois, E. (1894). Pithecanthropus erectus: eine menschenähnliche Übergangsform von Java. Landes Druckerei.
Gabunia, L., & Vekua, A. (1995). A Plio-Plieistocene hominid from Dmanisi, East Georgia, Caucasus. Nature, 373, 509–512.
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