Rhynchodercetis sp., Upper Cretaceous, central Dalmatia
Fossil fish from the platy limestones from the island of Primošten
However, not only fish were found in these limestones. In studying fossil fish, Gorjanović-Kramberger also described a new family of fossil lizards – Aigilosauridae – from the platy limestones of Hvar in his 1892 work “Aigialosaurus, novi gušter iz krednih škriljeva otoka Hvara s obzirom na opisane jur lacertide Komene i Hvara“ [Aigialosaurus, a new lizard from the Cretaceous shales of the island of Hvar, with regard to the described jur lacertide of Komena and Hvar]. He wrote the following, “The remains of well preserved lizards are a great rarity, and therefrom such a discovery is of unusual scientific value.”
Fossil lizard Aigiolosaurus dalmaticus Kramberger, 1892 (replica), Upper Cretaceous, island of Hvar (the original is housed at the Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie in Munich, Germany).