Professor Dr. Ljudevit Barić, a renowned mineralogist and crystallographer, was born on October 20, 1902, in Zagreb. He completed his studies in chemistry, mathematics, physics, and mineralogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb in 1927. After graduation, he worked as a teacher in high schools in Slavonski Brod and Koprivnica. He spent several years specializing in goniometric measurement of crystals, X-ray analysis of mineral structures, and theodolite microscopy of minerals in Heidelberg, Leipzig, and Ljubljana.
In 1932, he was employed at the then Mineralogical-Petrological Museum in Zagreb, where he served as director for many years. He was also a long-time professor of mineralogy at the University of Zagreb. He defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Disthen (Cyanit) von Prilepec im Selečka Gebirge" in Leipzig in 1936. Ljudevit Barić scientifically processed a large number of mineral samples and published 239 scientific and professional papers. He laid the scientific foundations for the museum's mineral collection, making it extremely valuable. Furthermore, he enriched the mineralogical collection with specimens of very rare minerals, most of which he obtained thanks to the reputation he gained among world-renowned mineralogists. Professor Ljudevit Barić passed away in Zagreb on September 19, 1984.